Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Blog Update!

Hello there! Here's a few things that I think might make my blog a bit better and easier to understand. (Incoming long post...)

Anime First Impressions:
I am aware that most anime blog/vloggers do first impressions on the new anime of each season. As I am not a long time fan of anime (about a year an a half, so far) there are so many things I have yet to experience, so you may not see a true "first impression" for a while.

I thought about it for a bit, and I realized my review system needed to change. I was being too nice. I'm a gymnast, so I kind of gave values based off competition scores. So, from now on, I will try to use the MyAnimeList numbers to help my values be more accurate.

10-Freaking BOSS
0-DON'T THINK ABOUT IT, DON'T WATCH IT. WATCH IT AND YOU'RE DEAD. (A really bad Doctor Who reference, sorry.)

With my old system, anything lower than 8 would be something you probably shouldn't waste your time watching. With the new system, anything below 5 would generally be one to stay away from.

And my new category, "Execution". This is combined with "My enjoyment", so there's still 4 main values for the final score. Execution is how well the anime/manga holds up, if it pulled off what it was supposed to do.
I'm thinking about if I want to write a synopsis in the beginning of my reviews. That could test my skill as a writer...I like it! Okay, I'll try it.

I am sorry for being very finicky with my reviews. What usually happens is after I publish a review, everything comes back to me more clearly, and I end up thinking about my review more and more in the next few days. Then I rethink my review and edit it. Sometimes, I do this a few times. I'll try to fix this, and make my reviews as accurate as possible.

I will try to publish a review AT LEAST once a month. One of my biggest annoyances with anime reviewers is that they go MONTHS without publishing a review, or even ANYTHING. And just in case I haven't seen anything new in the past month, I have a few anime series that I'm saving for reviewing in case of emergency *cough cough FMA*.

New blog name:
Another thing I noticed is that many famous reviewers have interesting names. Now, I think S-MAC is okay, but I need a cooler, catchier name. Something that sets me apart... Recommend me names, people!

I wonder if you guys are okay with me posting certain links to geek culture sites (Kotaku, iO9) with a really great article. Heck, here's a good example: http://io9.com/what-killed-the-american-anime-industry-1501880696  I won't post pages from a weekly updated page (ANN's The List, Mailbags, etc.) I just get these links from Google News's "Anime" category.

Where else you can find me:

tumblr: animecandie
MyAnimeList: GeekFangirl99

I am thinking of starting another blog with book reviews. But for now, I should focus on making this blog better.

Sorry, this is a lot of stuff! Leave your opinion in the comments, please!


Last Updated: 31 Jan 2013
Originally Published: 21 Jan 2013

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