I swear, these things are the only thing keeping this blog afloat. As usual, you can view this season's chart at http://anichart.net/summer
There's no sequel to a show I've seen and liked airing this season, so I'm not going to be watching anything on this chart this summer. (And all but one of those sequels I watched turned out to be big disappointments.) On to the originals. Oh, and if an original isn't on here, it means I have little to no thoughts on it.

Okay, if I
was going to be watching originals,
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime would most likely be one of them. It's a shojo, it's Bones, it's a fantasy, and it reminds me of Yona. Which, if that's true, is all the more reason for me to wait 'till this is done then marathon it. (Please Funi, pick this one up.)

I'm not quite sure what kind of anime
Aoharu X Kikanjuu is trying to be. There's action, otaku appeal, cross dressing, possibly romance... Love the character designs though.
Charlotte has a bit of a generic premise, and I predict this show might just devolve into a generic school life/supernatural show. I just don't understand the little slivers of hype this thing has in the anime community.
Classroom☆Crisis. Given this anime's premise, this thing seems like it's underselling itself. But I guess that's okay, because I predict this will also be a generic, forgotten show.
Here's how I imagine Gakkou Gurashi! came to be. *ahem* Pitcher: "How does this sound: We take the standard moe four-girl group of close knit friends, but we add a zombie apocalypse to save this from being generic." Producer: "Ah. So, it's like Highscool of the Dead, but for people who are into moe girls instead of Matrix tits. Okay. Green-lit."

*Exhale* Okay. Finally, another original on this chart that I think will be worth watching. I do think a certain video published by 42Believer significantly increased the popularity of the manga of
Gangsta, and it's actually because of that video that I decided to buy the first two volumes of the manga when I saw a manga lot for sale on Craigslist. From what I've read, this is gonna be pretty good, and the PVs I've seen have showcased some great Madhouse-worthy animation. Love the artwork. And the previewed OP song.
Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri sounds like a cross between D_r_ _r Th_ _ B_ _ck and W_ _ ld T_ _ gg_r. The otaku pandering is kind of obvious, and this is another show that seems like it isn't sure what to be. We know you want a SAO III green-lit so you can make more money, A-1 Pictures, but for now, you're biding their time with this, while glaring at your producers. But hey, the character designs look nice.

Man, ufotable is rolling it in with their anime recently. I'm not sure how successful the game that
God Eater is based of is, but I've seen the PV, and the character designs were a bit jarring, being somewhere between 2D and 3D animation. The very least I'm expecting from this anime are some phenomenal animation and action scenes.
Jitsu wa Watashi wa. Sounds generic, but why do the character designs remind me of a few anime YouTuber's profile pictures?
Joukamachi no Dandelion. A supposedly dystopian that's also underselling itself. Next.
Prison School
Joining its cousins Akame ga Kill and Triage X, I say...
Kuusen Madoushi Kouhosei no Kyoukan. Do we really need another generic-ish anime to give the lucrative title of "Black Swordsman" to a probably generic male lead? We all know Guts is the one true black Swordsman.

Oh my gosh.
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou is just Rosario+Vampire all over again, but maybe a little more shameless. Bleh. RUN AWAYYYYYY

Overlord is giving us a bit of a different take on this "trapped in a video game" phenomena the anime world has been experiencing these past few years.
Rokka no Yuusha. Slightly interesting, slightly generic fantasy adventure concept, but this is probably going to be more generic fantasy with hot girls. Skip.

J.C. Staff...what are you doing this year... Earlier,
Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai had this ridiculois fanservice-y key visual, and looking at how well DanMachi did last season, I'm actually wishing JC Staff went back to making supernatural light novel adaptations with tsundere girls. WHY ARE YOU TURNING TO ECCHI, J.C. STAFF???
Sore ga Seiyuu! is another anime about the anime industry, though I'm not sure if this will be as good or successful as the acclaimed Shirobako was.

Not exactly sure what
Ushio to Tora is gonna be like, but my money's on it being a dark, supernatural seinen-esque action with demons and possibly body horror. *watches everyone else immediately jump onto the MAPPA hype train*

I know this is a movie, but thank you for slightly improving my outlook on this season,
Boy and the Beast. Mamoru Hosoda, please work your magic again.
Yeah.....this season looks like it's going to be pretty bad.
What sequels are coming out?


TOEI YOU ARE FALLING APART. You've been taking on way too many things, and delivering poor results. I mean, just look at the quality of anmation in Sailor Moon Crystal and World Trigger. Just. Stop. Toei.

Is this the second half to what aired this winter?

More Type-Moon turned moe.

I didn't watch the first season when it aired in 2013...should I have done that?

I AM NOT TOUCHING YAOI IN ANIME FORM...yet. Not sure if this is a good start.

Heard good things about this first season, but pure slice-of-life with cute girls just isn't really my thing.

I think I know a certain anime related YouTuber will probably be happy about this...

Ugh. More ecchi franchise.

And...more slice-of-life I'm not sure if I should watch or not.
Man, this season looks pretty bad.
And now, watch as all the shows I've deemed generic to be massive smash hits. (Glares at DanMachi, Seraph, Punchline, and Plastic Memories from Spring)
2015 is looking to be a pretty bad year for anime.
But wait...what do I see in the horizon?

Alright, after I just spent time whaling on this season's chart, what shows are you guys looking forward to?
Last Updated: 28 June 2015
Originally Published: 28 June 2015