(As of this writing, it's actually over 5,500)
Alright, people, I SWEAR I'm working on a BIG project, something I've been dreaming of for a LONG time now, I've finally been motivated to start, have gotten encouragement to start, and made ALL sorts of preparations.
So, to address the state of this blog:
This may be one of the last posts I put up here. If I work fast enough (bad timing for me to go full steam ahead now, as the summer is now over, and I was hoping to do lots of work these past few months) I will no longer be using this blog. I will do a Fall 2015 Pre-Season like I have been for almost a year now, but, again, if I work fast enough, you may see the list somewhere else...
You people don't know how long I've been constantly thinking, dreaming, about every aspect of my big goal here. I would like to thank everyone who has given me whatever support they can, with comments or even views,
Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got lots of work to do...
Last Updated: 30 August 2015
Originally Posted: 30 August 2015
Really interesting ♥♥