Saturday, September 20, 2014

Fall 2014 Anime Pre-Season Impressions!!!

I usually don't watch anime that's currently airing, and so far, I've only done that twice (Attack on Titan and both seasons of Free). I'm doing this now, because somehow, I threw off my review schedule by a week. Review will come next week. But, here are some of my impressions I would like to say. To see where I got all this, just go to and click on "Fall."

 First off, we have Akatsuki no Yona. I'd love to see Studio Pierrot do some good action anime, and I'm kind of a sucker for girls with bright hair colors who fight with swords. And it's a shojo, (which I am also a sucker for) which isn't that common among all the seasonal stuff. This is what I'm looking forward to most out of all the Fall anime.

 Next, we have Amagi Brilliant Park. I really hope KyoAni learned their lesson and don't mirror their results from last fall's Kyokai no Kanata. The amusement park concept is interesting (something I've only seen before in Deadman Wonderland) but I hope this isn't just going to be a pandering harem anime. 

 Ahhh, Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works. I can imagine a huge divide between the fanboys that goes something like, "ufotable is doing Fate/Stay Night!!!" and "Why didn't they do the Heaven's Feel route?!?!?!" I can imagine it's because UBW is the second route, while HF is the third. But having not seen either of the Fate anime adaptations, I think I'm going to hold off this for a while. (Relax, I'll watch them eventually.)

 The first thing I thought when I read the description for Kiseijuu was that this was horribly timed for airing. Why? Because we literally have an anime from the summer that has the same basic plot synopsis (Tokyo Ghoul). Hopefully, this can fend off the hate and be its own unique series somehow. 

 Just a quick thought: Log Horizon: 2nd Season will be airing at the same time as Sword Art Online II. Oooooohhh, I can already smell the fanboy wars on the internet...

  Sunrise, the king of Mecha. Now, I have not (yet) gotten into the Gundam series, and I don't think I'm going to start with #2 or 3. As for #1, the main character (who is a girl) sounds a bit like Utena, so I just may put this on my radar. 

 Okay, I have seen WAAAAAYYYY too many articles about The Seven Deadly Sins all over Crunchyroll, MAL, ANN, you name it. The plot synopsis doesn't even sound that good (which is a bit strange, considering it shares similarities with the previously mentioned Akatsuki no Yona). Plus, I just can't take that art seriously. Sorry, A-1 Pictures.

 To me, it seems Okami Shojo to Kuro Ouji is a cross between Kare Kano and Kaichou wa Maid-Sama. Yes, I love shojo, but I don't think that the person who wrote the synopsis on ANN did a very good job. And that synopsis is also used on Wikipedia and anichart. *sigh*

 Well, Garo: Hono no Kokuin sounds a bit interesting... I feel like I've seen this story formula before, but let's see how this goes...

 Ore, Twintails ni Narimasu already sounds like it's dripping in anime cliches. Childhood friend, guy gains superpowers, he has a weird obsession, and this duo fight to defend Earth. Yep, unless the writers pull of something completely unexpected, this sounds easily skippable. But looking at this concept art, I would have thought this was a J.C Staff anime. 

 There are 2 thing missing from Psycho-Pass 2 that made the first season great. 1) Gen Urobuchi. 2) Production I.G. With that said, I am actually a bit worried. 

 Yes, the time has come for Ghibli to do a TV anime. It's an adaptation of a Swedish children's tale, but I think there's going to be plenty of Ghibli charm to Sanzoku no Musume Ronja

 I don't think I was the only one who thought this art looked like Free. But, actually, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso is an anime about music (with no idols) and I can smell the great writing potential for this anime. Plus, this art has that signature A-1 Pictures polish. 

 I think the creators were thinking something along the lines of "Hey, male otakus like moe girls in a slice-of-life, how about we use this to teach them about this miserable industry and somehow make it cute." Yeah, you're not selling SHIROBAKO to me too well. 

 Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete sounds a bit like Another... But this time, there's moe girls! This is an adult visual novel adaptation, and I don't think we're going to get something as good as ef: A Tale of Memories. 

 Studio Trigger is here to stay! Inou-Battle wa Nichijo-kei no Naka de is selling itself as just a fun, action/rom-com anime, and I like that they're being modest. Now wait for them to blow our minds...

 And, of course, I finish with you, the only movie on this list. This is just like the Madoka Magica movies, with this being a recut of the first 13 episodes of the series. The sole purpose of Attack on Titan: Guren no Yumiya is purely to be a cash cow, rolling in the extra dough from overly-obsessed fanboys/fangirls. They're going to have to cut a lot out, because they're turning 13 episodes into a feature-length movie. I don't like recuts of anime series', but studios keep churning them out lately.

And those were all of my impressions I wanted to share! This is the first time I'm doing something like this, so how did I do? What Fall 2014 anime are you excited for? Please comment!


Last Updated: 31 September 2014
Originally Published: 20 September 2014


  1. I'm looking forward to Magic Kaito 1412. Looks like it's a spin off of Detective Conan, which I had just recently watched all 130 or so episodes of the US version (called Cased Closed). It's frustrating that theres 400+ more episodes I don't have access to so maybe this will help me get my fix.

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